Good experience
At my 4th semester I attended a national competition of capital markets (KNPM) is followed by other universities. at the time was chairman of the University Gunadarma tersebut.saya competition organizer to get information from my friends and my teachers and I attended the competition by paying registration for Rp.50.000.awalnya I did not know much about stocks and then I tried to ask my friends, learn through books, browsing the Internet and watch the news saham.berjalannya containing about my time I've finally started to understand and the understanding of the mechanism of buying and selling shares (Trading) by using technical and fundamental to know the movement of stocks.
After several months I finally get ranked 7th in Gunadarma and territory in the final, then I am in tlp by the competition committee me to continue the competition. Then I make a meeting to prepare a paper containing about stocks gain (Gain) with the largest-metodenya.saya methods and other students gathered for a meeting with the competition committee, which is Gunadarma.dana lecturers that students get opportunity to continue the competition is getting guidance from the faculty to make it easier to make my week paper.setelah paper work finally finished my paper juga.setelah finally finished my paper I presented the results of my paper to the examiner professors from other universities here I am tense because This is my experience and I think my warm-up this early in the trial of scientific writing and I Skripsi.lalu with confidence in the ability that I have faced penguji.sekitar professors I have 15 minutes to present the results of paper I made and lecturers tesebut asking stocks which I bought with what conditions and by using what methods, with my self-confidence to answer questions from the lecturers tersebut.akhirnya about 25 minutes time I finished my paper presented together with other students a few hours we juga.setelah waiting for the results finally mahasisawa-committee recommends that students go to the national finals and I do not teryata results in the national finals a bit disappointed but this is the best experience of my parents saya.karena I feel proud of the accomplishments that I achieved accomplishments.
Bad experiences
At my school my high school beliin motorcycle for my personal vehicle to go kesekolah.orangtua I've trusted for riding a motorcycle when I do not have a driver's license (driving license), and I love to modify my bike and often hung out at the workshop with school friends at school saya.uang love my parents used when made capital to modify my bike although I do not snack at school because of the money I use to modify my momodifikasi motor motor.menurut has its own satisfaction that change the shape of a standard motor of a motor factory that has better than pabrikanya and the center of attention of people on the street when I was riding my bike saya.walaupun not have a driver's license but I've been riding my motorcycle bereani to travel far.
Then when completed semester exams at school I went straight back home k not hanging out with my friends because there is a family affair, and there was a raid on the road in motor vehicles to check throughout the completeness of the motor, then I panicked and in catch-up after the police finally caught too saya.saya admit that I do not have a driver's license (driver's license) and the police are checking vehicle registration (vehicle number of marks) teryata I missed my vehicle registration in the House and then I panicked and confused because my bike in the same stand to wait a few minutes polisi.saya finally friends I came to help me take the vehicle registration in the vehicle registration Rumah.lalu I took it from home and take my money to pay police Bojongsari denda.setibanya in the end I gave my motor vehicle registration Infections to the police that I finally paid the fine of Rp 30.000.setelah me in give advice by the police to make a SIM for security berkendaraann.
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San Juara Sejati tidak pernah menyerah walaupun banyak rintangan dan halangan itulah The doctor
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Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

Jangan Pernah Takut Gagal nikmati setiap perjalan Hidup Mu
Orang Yang Sukses Bukanlah Orang yang Gak Pernah Gagal Tapi Selalu Bangkit Dari Kegagalan Tersebut...
Klo Cita-Cita dan impian Bisa Diraih dan Tidak Mudah Putus Asa
Tetap Semangaddd dan Selalu Terseyum =>
Klo Cita-Cita dan impian Bisa Diraih dan Tidak Mudah Putus Asa
Tetap Semangaddd dan Selalu Terseyum =>
Valey Rossi

San Juara Sejati tidak pernah menyerah walaupun banyak rintangan dan halangan itulah The doctor

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