mprove products and services to improve the promotion and service
Custumer Menggangap We were friends and did offer a product or service well is one strategy for customers to feel comfortable so Custumer give a good impression of our company, and strategies proven to increase both penjualaan product or service.
Then we are reminded of our products by conducting campaigns to attract reliable products and services and provide insetif order to buy our products, then purchase the product key for us is to have a headline that is an advantage in the product compared with other products and has a line in one take some products and services.
Take line is the line that always stuck under the name of the product or the contents take jasa.lalu line should be in trust and the identity of a product and service .. which contains about:
1) This is what I sell ..
2) This is it for you ..
3) Why do you trust my company to purchase any of the products and services?
Then there are other than take in a product line or services within these products must also have an ISO (Iresetabel Sensational Over) the center can not offer you in starting your corporate identity in which products and services in the trust in communicating clearly what we mean planted comparison with the results we receive are referred to as Return on investment.
Then the company also noticed the quality of both physical goods with the view of a trade mark goods and benefits to consumers, so consumers can purchase our products on a continual menerus.dan companies offer a discount on a product like the end of the year.
Then the company's sales target for profit company can make a profit as possible so that companies can compete with companies lain.dan price of a product should be able to compete with the price of other companies with the advanced quality of these items and can provide a good in the win market share.
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San Juara Sejati tidak pernah menyerah walaupun banyak rintangan dan halangan itulah The doctor
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Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

Jangan Pernah Takut Gagal nikmati setiap perjalan Hidup Mu
Orang Yang Sukses Bukanlah Orang yang Gak Pernah Gagal Tapi Selalu Bangkit Dari Kegagalan Tersebut...
Klo Cita-Cita dan impian Bisa Diraih dan Tidak Mudah Putus Asa
Tetap Semangaddd dan Selalu Terseyum =>
Klo Cita-Cita dan impian Bisa Diraih dan Tidak Mudah Putus Asa
Tetap Semangaddd dan Selalu Terseyum =>
Valey Rossi

San Juara Sejati tidak pernah menyerah walaupun banyak rintangan dan halangan itulah The doctor

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